The Black Metal is a sub-genre of Heavy Metal, characterized by an aggressive sound, a guttural vocals, and dark atmospheres, very often based on an anti-religious.
Black Metal began in the early 1980s with bands like Bathory (who gave birth to Viking Metal), Mercyful Fate, and Hellhammer / Celtic Frost, Venom and to a lesser degree (through their influence on Hellhammer / Celtic Frost). These groups, who were playing Thrash Metal, have created an example for the second generation of black metal. Some of these groups say their motivation was to fight the wave of popular American Death Metal, which was dominant in the metal scene at the time. The second wave of Black Metal, Scandinavian movement essentially began in the late 1980s and early 1990s, particularly in Norway.
Black Metal has suffered criticism from various sectors of society through its sudden appearance and his misanthropic mind. Some Black Metal bands have also been linked to acts as diverse as the burning of a church in old wood (stave church in Norway, for the Inner Circle). Despite, or perhaps because of these criticisms, the Black Metal quickly became popular among metal fans in the 1990s
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